New method composition book two


1.The answers to all questions in the exercises should be given in complete sentences, care being taken to introduce the new word which is being practiced.

2. In doing the exercises the children must not look at the book when they are speaking-1. Fisheye looks at the book and frames the English sentence(question, order,etc.),in his mind. 2. Then he turns his book face down. 3. He says the sentence (or, with a better class,1. All look at the book and flame sentences in the mind.

2. All books are turned Face down. 3. Shouldn't ask and answer questions(etc.).)

3. Everything said by the teacher in an English lesson should be said in English. If the children do not understand, the teacher may translate, and they will remember next time.

4. It is not necessary to use all the exercises in this book. If the word is already familiar to the class, A few sentences all he will suffice: if it is quite familiar, The whole exercise should be omitted.

5. With most of the exercises much time maybe saved if the shooting work together in pass, all speaking quietly together.(Boy a asks Boy B all of the question, and boy B replies; 10 boy B asked boy A) The teacher goes round form pair to pair listening to ensure accuracy.

For the method of using his book, lesson forms, schemes of progress, etc., see the teachers' handbook.

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วันที่รับเข้า: 07/03/2018